Saturday, May 19, 2007

ya voy para la comunidad

so, this will be the last time that i write from guatemala as a bum. i am mourning that part of my life, the ease, oh. but now it is time to move on to the bigger a better things. i am getting so worked up excited about it that i better just calm down.

let me just tell what happened last night. or not. you can ask me about it later. lets just say that i was alone, on a doorstep, with a very lonely old man. thank goodness i bought two waters, so i could get away with the excuse that amy needed that water.

in other news, there is no other news. i will meet my future family today, we will go to church in nahuala or chirijol tomorrow, and i will be working like an anthropological dog.

let me just mention this: i finished silent spring. although the book was written quite some time ago, it was highly relevant to me as we sailed over the rio dulce and i watched the flocks of birds, as i kicked ticks off of my chaco'd feet, and saw fields and fields of guatemalan and honduran agriculture. the book opened alot of questions to me, and i'm afraid that dad will have to update me on the situation at modern time.

now i am starting on On Human Nature by EO Wilson, but i might read sally's suggestion of puddinhead wilson first.


Kaye said...

hi there - i'm enjoying the blogging of my wandering daughter. keep those ticks at bay. email me when you can. stay healthy. love, mom

my ghostwriter said...

wootl. that's k'iche for 'woot'.